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By far the best team I’ve ever worked with. They tru­ly under­stood the look I was going for and com­plete­ly nailed it! I would high­ly rec­om­mend them as a com­pa­ny, you sim­ply just won’t find any bet­ter team!

Aura BrooksGraph­ic Design­er, Owl Eyes

It was real­ly fun get­ting to know the team dur­ing the project. They were all help­ful in answer­ing my ques­tions and made me feel com­plete­ly at ease. The design end­ed up being twice as good as I could have ever envi­sioned!

Eve Craw­fordProd­uct Design­er, That Biz

I’m won­der­ing why I nev­er con­tact­ed these guys soon­er! Seri­ous­ly, they all have com­mend­able tal­ent in their respec­tive fields and knocked my con­cept out of the ball­park. Thanks for an amaz­ing expe­ri­ence!

Jack Gra­hamCo founder, Cof­fee Inc

Salient is by far the most aston­ish­ing WP theme out there! I lit­er­al­ly could not be hap­pi­er that I chose to buy your theme! Your reg­u­lar updates and superb atten­tion to detail blows me away every time I vis­it my new site!

Zak ReidInstruc­tor, Skate Nao